Career & Technical Education
Assessments at Bradford K-8
Jeffco is dedicated to preparing all students for careers and lifelong learning. Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs partner classrooms with businesses, industries and communities to achieve this mission and positively impact the future workforce.
Bradford North only offers CTE programming for the seventh and eighth grades. Many of the courses are on pathways that lead to CTE programming at Bradford’s feeder high schools.
The wide variety of CTE exploratory courses in multiple pathways include Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Photography, Yearbook, Technical Theater and Outdoor Education.
For course descriptions and information about specific programs, explore the Bradford K-8 2023-2024 Electives Course Catalog.
Career & Technical Education in Jeffco
Career and Technical Education (CTE) engages students and prepares them with the skills they need for fulfilling careers in vital, in-demand, industries and occupations. All CTE programs offer academic, elective or college credit. CTE’s mission is to prepare all students for successful careers through the real-world application of core academic skills by partnering classrooms with businesses, industries and communities that positively impact the future workforce.